Best Diets 4 Now

A Side-by-Side Comparison






30-day elimination diet

Quick results; Reset habits and tastebuds; Reduce inflammation and cravings

Very restrictive; Difficult long-term adherence

**Eat to Live**

 Whole food, plant-based

Long-term weight loss; Disease prevention; Nutrient-dense

Requires major lifestyle change; Low fat and oil intake controversial

**Plant Paradox**


Innovative concept; Reduce inflammation and autoimmunity

Flawed or weak scientific basis; Avoids nutritious foods

**Wheat Belly**


Simple guidelines; Reduce wheat-related inflammation

Flawed or weak scientific basis; Avoids nutritious foods

**Food: What the Heck**

Limit “red light” processed foods

Comprehensive approach; Functional medicine based

General guidelines still require personalization

** Ketogenic diet**

 High-fat, low-carb

Weight loss

Can be challenging

**Mediterranean diet**

 Plant-based, healthy fats

Easy to follow

May not be as effective for weight loss

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