This One Diet Can Cure Every Disease | Subah Saraf | Satvic Movement

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This One Diet Can Cure Every Disease | Subah Saraf

Want to get rid of diabetes, back pain, knee pain, thyroid, constipation, acne, high blood pressure, PCOD, low energy, obesity, hairfall or even excess weight? Follow the four food principles and one simple diet plan discussed in this video. By changing to a living foods, water-rich, plant-based diet, any disease can be reversed.

👉Watch Step 1 (detox video) –
👉Watch this video in Hindi –

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Recipes :

👉Satvic Chapati –
👉Satvic Sabzi –
👉Satvic Salads –
👉Satvic Soups –
👉Herbal Tea –
👉Coconut Milk –

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References :
👉Economic Times Article about Milk –
👉Video showing the Truth of Milk today –

What is Satvic Movement?

Satvic Movement is a non-profit health education platform, formed with an aim to bring man close to Mother Nature. We provide holistic knowledge about health, coming from our vedas & scriptures.

This ancient Vedic knowledge is meticulously captured and translated into ’easily adaptable habits’ for today’s modern lifestyle. We deliver this knowledge to you through our Health Transformation Workshops, YouTube videos and our Food Book.

Following the Satvic lifestyle empowers you to become your own doctor. You live a life of optimal health and automatically cure all chronic diseases you might be suffering from – simply by changing your food & lifestyle. Let’s come together and save the planet from ever increasing diseases. Let’s create a Health Movement. We call it Satvic Movement.


Disclaimer – The information contained on Satvic Movement channel is provided for general and educational purposes only and must never be considered a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical professional. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription medicines, are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals before beginning any nutrition or lifestyle programme. Satvic Movement does not take responsibility for possible health consequences for any person following the information in the educational content.

Are you suffering from a health problem Any chronic health problem diabetes back Pain knee pain thyroid constipation acne High blood pressure PCOD low energy Obesity or even excess weight what if I Tell you that changing your food can Cure your disease which means that if You change your diet follow it Religiously and get your blood tests Done after three months you will not Have that disease anymore now you Probably wouldn’t believe me huh but What’s the relation between my diet and My disease food doesn’t cure disease Medicines do you might be thinking what If I tell you that thousands of people Around the world I’m giving up medicine And soaring health problems by changing The diet and lifestyle in this video I’ll share one simple diet plan that was First suggested to me by my guru I Followed it through legislate and I told My thyroid pcod and hair fall without Medicine I’ve suggested the same diet to Hundreds of people and they’ve all been Able to cure diseases but before I give You this one diet plan and explain you What food to put in your body you must Take out the undigested food from your Body the waste the toxins sitting inside Meaning knowing how to detox is even More important than knowing what to eat For example if you accidentally put in Diesel in a car that was meant for

Patrol it won’t work right to make it Work again first you need to take out The diesel and then put in the Patrol Same with us Our body is meant for this fresh fruits Vegetables plants straight from nature But we accidentally fed it with this too Many grains oils breads brontosaurus Snacks food Packaged no wonder our body is not Properly working and has all these Diseases so step one is to take out the Bad stuff the undigested quest sitting Inside and step two is to putting the Good stuff the right food This video covers only step two make Sure that first you watch step one by Clicking on this box above in step one I shall three powerful ways to remove Toxins from your body okay coming back I Don’t want to give you a scripted diet Plan and say hey this is what you have To eat for breakfast lunch dinner no First you must understand some basic Principles about natural food if you Want to be truly healthy you need to Look for four qualities in your food Your food should be four things number One it should be living see if you bury Something in the ground and waddle it For a few days it should grow into a Plant right for example if you take a Lentil seed buried in the soil after a Few days you’ll get a sapling but if you

Plant any chunk like Maggie let’s say do You think you’ll ever get a wheat plant Out of it no because unlike the lentil The Maggie doesn’t contain any life Doesn’t contain any prana and therefore It could not produce more life it’s a Dead fool and how can something that’s Dead bring life to your body on the Other hand fruits vegetables nuts grains Seeds sprouts there are living foods and When they enter your body they bring you Life they extend your edge your your Disease flush out the toxins sitting Inside your body in the park with Geeta Chapter 17 do you know what a lot Krishna says he says that food should be Eaten within three hours of being cooked Because after three hours it becomes Damn sick it starts to lose the life Energy or the prana inside That’s why in the yogic culture they Don’t eat any sabzi or rice or chapatti If it has been kept for more than three Hours same with our grandparents I mean They used to it everything fresh right From the stove to the plate and now What’s happening people store sub Z’s in The refrigerator for the next two to Four four days they take a little out Every day eat it and then store it back The reading stale basi food they’re Inviting cancer into their body if Something is cooked on fire you have to Eat it within three hours maximum five

Hours now tell me one thing why only Apply this three hour rule to sabzi and Chapatti what about all this can you Even imagine how long back these foods Were cooked forget three hours or three Days most of them were cooked maybe even Three years in advance and have been Stored in packets portals cans and boxes After being lathered with synthetic Chemicals so that they don’t appear to Be stale or smell bad These chemicals might increase the shelf Life of these products but to decrease The shelf life for own bodies actually If you think about it these are not food The products the products made by a Company who wants to make a profit like Any other business they’re dead they Have no life energy left inside them so Rule number one is to eat living food Nothing bottled end packaged frozen or Processed nothing man-made in a factory Eat living foods straight from nature Fruits and vegetables sprouts coconut Juices grains nuts and seeds instead of Munching on biscuits mansion coconut Slices instead of popping soda cans pop Coconut waters instead of having them Kings have plateaus full of fresh fruits Or salads second eat food that is Wholesome see mother nature knows best She does not make mistakes there’s a Reason why she hung dates on trees and Not sugar there’s a reason why she gives

Us all lives but not qualifying Potatoes but not put it on chips all Foods that come directly from plants or Trees of The earth a wholesome the morning you Know subtracted off anything Nature has Done a lot of planning before making Every food she has given each food item A specific ratio of protein fats Nutrients so that we humans can easily Digest and eliminate it if we fragmented By consuming only a part of it or were Stripping away its outer layer or by Squeezing out only the facts from it we Totally change it from nature’s original Design so for example eat brown rice Instead of white rice brown rice is Wholesome it’s the real deal when we Remove the bran from it it becomes white Rice the digestive mechanism of the rice Lies in this outer bran that we so Conveniently just decided to throw out It dates or jaggery instead of sugar day It’s a wholesome sugar is fragmented eat Whole coconut instead of coconut oil eat The whole olive instead of olive oil When eating wheat it only hold it along With the outer layer or what we call Choker in Hindi do not save it before Making your chapatis third eat food that Comes from plants no meat fish or eggs Nature is not designed our body to Consume these animals what should I do I will create a separate video on this

Topic in the future your next question May be What about milk and dairy look as a Substance pure cow milk is very good but The problem is that milk that we’re Getting today is actually not even milk What we get in this tetra Paks is a White liquid made of milk powder urea And dangerous chemicals do you know that The World Health Organization has warned The Indian government that milk today Has become so contaminated that if we Continue drinking it by 2025 eighty Seven percent of India will be suffering From serious diseases like cancer and This was in the economic times recently In the description of this video I’ve Linked a video showing how to Turton’s Like easy and urea is used in this milk To make it store for longer and to make It thick [Music] Now even if you get the purest form of Cow milk straight from your farm Straight from your own cow even then you Cannot digest it if you’re suffering From a disease or if you want to lose Weight pure cow milk is very good for Athletes or small children whose height Is growing but not for us who spent Eight hours a day in front of a computer Screen We simply cannot digest it because it’s A very very heavy food by nature one

Glass of milk is a complete meal on its Own good news is that there’s a Substitute which can give you all the Same nutrients protein and calcium Differences that your body can actually Digest and absorb it you know what it is It’s coconut milk coconut is one of the Best foods on earth there’s a reason It’s called Sri fell in Sanskrit and There’s a reason why every birth every Marriage every auspicious occasion in India starts with the breaking of a Coconut always make your coconut milk at Your own home it’s very easy the links For all the recipes are given in the YouTube description below forth your Food should be water rich see there’s Two kinds of foods what a rich and what A poor what a rich foods include fruits Such as watermelon papaya grapes oranges Juicy vegetables like tomatoes cucumber Leafy greens bottle God what a poor Foods include grains rice wheat chapati Dal not seeds and starchy vegetables Like potatoes see if you put it in a Juicer and a lot of juice comes out of It then you know that its water rich Have you ever put a chapati or rice in The juicer no because you know that There’s no juice in it it’s a water poor Food now 70% of your body is water and 30% is you know solid bones muscles and Mass so naturally seventy percent of Your diet should be composed of water

Rich food juices fruits vegetables and 30 percent of your diet should consist Of what the poor food grain cereals nuts And seeds funnily enough most of us eat In the exact opposite ratio we eat Grains thrice a day and as a result We’re drying up So in summary number one eat living Foods eat foods that come straight from The farm to your kitchen it should not Go to a factory in between number two Eat wholesome food means original food Brown rice instead of white rice dates Or jaggery instead of sugar whole Coconut and olives instead of their oils Number three eat plant-based food Strictly no meat fish or eggs instead of Animal milk have coconut milk number Four eat 70% water rich food okay now Let’s move on to the diet plan we Suggest having five main meals in a day A morning detox choose breakfast lunch Mid meal and dinner The timings that I give in this video Are those that are generally suitable For most people but feel free to adjust Them according to your routine and your Schedule let’s start with the morning Detox choose which you can have a little After waking up in the morning let’s say 8:00 a.m. for this we recommend the Juice of a very very special vegetable When this vegetable enters your body it Starts to suck in all the toxins it’s

Like a sponge and when it exits your Body it carries with it all the Accumulated toxins and the garbage Sitting inside it is the best thing you Can drink for weight loss and for Clearing up your skin it’s light green From the outside and fight from the Inside do you know what it’s called it’s Called Ash guard in English and Suffolk Beta in Hindi simply cut it peel off the Skin take out the seeds and juice it Drink one full glass of sisters without Adding any lemon or soil if you want you Can mix it with 50 percent of coconut Water and don’t worry at all it doesn’t Taste bad or bitter it’s actually just Bland it has almost no taste in case ash Cardew’s is not available drink one Glass of coconut water in case even Coconut water is not available in your Car Your region drink the juice of any Vegetable for example portalguard or gia Or celery or cucumber then till about The next two hours eat nothing because Ice card uses doing its work inside your Body and you don’t want to interrupt the Cleaning by eating something at about 10:00 a.m. it’s time for breakfast for Breakfast you can have a big bowl of Fresh seasonal fruits can be any fruit You like preferably water rich fruits so Avoid bananas you can eat any Combination of fruits that you like eat

Fruits that are always local to your Country always eat seasonal and regional If you wish you can grate some fresh Coconut from the top then comes time for Lunch at about 1 p.m. this is when you Can have your grain meal chapathi and Subzi the chapati that we suggest is a Special chapathi it’s much more easier To digest Instead of using 100% wheat flour it’s Made of 50% wheat flour and 50% Vegetable so you can make any vegetable Chapathi cucumber chapathi beetroot Chapathi spinach chapati portalguard’s Apothecary chapathi so this way even if You are eating 2 chapatis the grain or The wheat of only one chapathi is going Inside your body but this doesn’t mean That your son eating double the number Of chapatis eat just as many as you were Before i’ve made a video showing exactly How to make this kind of chapati please Watch it by clicking on this box with Chapatti comes sabzi the subsidy that we Recommend is also very different Instead of using oil we use fresh grated Coconut and instead of using spicy Masalas fuse flesh hubs what’s the Method of making sabzi by clicking on This box above By the way I’ve also given the links of All of these videos that I’m mentioning Of sabzi and chapati in the description Box below if you eat one chapati have

Two bowls of sabzi if you eat two Chapatis have 4 bowls of sabzi the idea Is to eat more and more of vegetables And less and less of grains Once or twice a week you can also have Brown rice instead of chapati Now even when you eat in brown rice If you have one bowl of brown rice have Two bowls of sabzi when you eat drains Alone it is very difficult for your body To digest them but by mixing grains with Vegetables makes them easier to digest And eliminate from your body so no dal Roti instead have sub-zero tea no dal Rice instead have sabzi rice no rajma no China at least you get completely short And reach your ideal weight see it’s not Like dal which is lentils is wrong it’s Not like rajma is wrong it’s just that In a modern lifestyles where we spend Most of the day sitting down and workout For just one hour a day We cannot digest it our grandparents Could easily digest it because they Didn’t have laptops or mobile phones They used to walk everywhere and they Used to work hard in the Sun and their Phones for six to eight hours a day so They could afford to eat a lot of grain The problem is that we live in the Lifestyle of today but eating the diet Of a grandparents and that’s why we’re Falling so diseased as a society so back To the meal plan you might need a mid

Meal between your lunch and your dinner We recommend having the juice of any Freshly squeezed vegetable or you can Also have fresh coconut water again no Biscuits no Nam Keens no snacks if you Feel hungry even after the juice you can Have coconut slices about 2 to 3 pieces It’s the best healthy snack most people Are used to drinking tea or coffee at This time if that’s the case with you You can have our ability but not the Packets of green tea which you get from A factory make flesh her ability at your Own I’ve given the recipe in the Description below this YouTube video Then for dinner have a salad and a soup Your salad would be wrong take any fresh Seasonal vegetables chop them up and Toss them together with a nut based Homemade dressing do not add any grains Like China or rajma or dull to your Salad I’ve created some amazing salad Recipes that are actually healthy the Links for all the recipes in The dressings are given in the youtube Description below if you wish you can Have a soup with your salad the soup Would be a steamed meal make sure that The soup has no dairy no oil no grains You’ll feel so light after eating this And when you see a weight dropping on The weighing machine every morning and Your readings in control without Medicine then there’s no going back

The idea is to eat grains only once a Day and rest of the day eat one fruit Meal and one salad made digestion will Work wonderfully if you wish you can Even swap lunch and dinner you can have A soup and salad for lunch and your Grain meal could be dinner now This tight plan is for people who want To lose weight or reverse a health Problem it’s also for people who are Already fit and want to maintain their Weight but it’s not recommended for Children and athletes children below the Age of 16 if they’re healthy and Athletes can eat grains two to three Times a day because their bodies are in The growing stage and therefore they’re Capable of digesting it now let’s Discuss some frequently asked questions How much water should I drink you should Drink water only when you feel thirsty Just like how you should eat food only When you feel hungry no need to Forcefully consume eight to nine liters Of water every day when there is no Physical need for it it puts undue Pressure on your kidneys next question For how long should I follow this follow It till the time you want to stay Healthy and fit and not want to get Diseases in your body see what I’m Giving you here is not a diet plan for Weight loss it’s a lifestyle it’s a way Of living and eating the way that nature

Intended the human body is a precious Gift that God has given to us and day by Day week by week your bio Time is passing every morning we wake up Look at ourselves in the mirror and we Wish we didn’t have all that excess Weight we wish we don’t have to start Our mornings popping pills or with Medicine I don’t want that all your life You just keep wishing I want you to Experience what it feels like to have an Optimally functioning human body to have No disease or disease seed inside you I Want to empower you to be your own Doctor all I’m here for is to connect You back with nature goodbye for now and I’ll see you in the next video You

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