Tag Archives: From farm to table

The Healthiest Foods Are Whole Foods

Have you ever wondered what the secret to the healthiest foods is? It’s not in the ingredients or how they’re processed. The secret to the healthiest foods lies in their nutritional value and the way that they are prepared. When we think about whole foods, we typically think of fruits and vegetables. While this is true, there are many other whole foods that are just as healthy and nutritious. In fact, it is these types of foods that have the highest nutritional value.

So what makes whole foods so special? They contain all the nutrients that our bodies need. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, and essential fatty acids. Most importantly, they contain no additives or preservatives. These types of foods also contain no refined sugars or processed carbohydrates. This means that you can eat them without worrying about your blood sugar levels rising and falling. If you’re trying to lose weight, you should look for whole foods that contain fewer calories than processed foods.

What is a whole food? A whole food is an item that has been grown, raised, harvested, and prepared with minimal processing. For example, if you were to purchase a carrot, you would have to peel it, wash it, and then cut it up. All of these steps take away from the nutritional value of the food. However, if you purchase the same carrot from the grocery store, you will find that the nutrition has been stripped away.

What does this mean for you? Whole foods are better for you because they contain more nutrients and fewer calories. The only thing that you’ll have to do is prepare them yourself. You can cook with them or simply add them to your diet.

How can you prepare whole foods? Many people assume that it is difficult to cook with whole foods because they don’t know how to cook with them. The truth is that most whole foods are very easy to prepare. For example, if you want to cook broccoli, you simply steam it. Broccoli is one of the easiest vegetables to cook with whole foods.

In order to get the best nutritional value from your meals, you should always be looking for whole foods. There are many different ways to prepare them. For example, you can boil them, steam them, bake them, or even fry them. Some foods are better cooked while others are better raw. The important thing to remember is that they all contain the same amount of nutrients.

If you want to make sure that you are eating the healthiest foods possible, try looking for whole foods that have been grown organically.

How Consumers Define Nutritious


Product manufacturers frequently use “nutritious” as a word used to promote their products as healthier options, but its usage remains unregulated in most countries, and very little information on its usage among consumers exists.

Picking foods high in nutrients is vital to good health and can help you reach a healthier weight. Nutrit-rich foods contain less sugar, sodium and saturated fats while offering essential vitamins and minerals essential for keeping the body running at peak performance. Nutritious eating may even reduce risk factors associated with chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Eat foods high in essential nutrients, like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, whole grains, nuts and seeds to give yourself energy while building up your immune system. Eating these types of food will keep your energy up while strengthening its defenses against illness.

Snacks are an easily integrated part of a healthy diet when eaten in moderation and choosing appropriate portions and following a balanced meal plan. While snacks may contain lots of extra calories, they’re also packed with fibre, protein, and other important vitamins that could have positive health benefits.

Carrots, apples, natural and flavoured yoghurts and toast are among the most nutritious snacks, boasting higher nutrient profile scores than discretionary treats like lollies and carrot cake.

Expert (N = 206) and lay participants (N = 269) provided definitions of nutrition through an open-ended question in a survey, then evaluated 20 snacks in two portion sizes on a scale ranging from 0 (not nutritious) to 100 (very nutritious). Their evaluations were highly correlated between groups as well as with UK Ofcom NP scores and Australian Health Star Ratings ratings.

Expert Definitions of Nutritionalitat

Expert definitions of “nutritious” differed significantly from lay participants, with experts using terms like nutrient density, macro and micronutrients, Calories/Kilojoules intake and vitamins/minerals for definition purposes. Lay participants provided more holistic and descriptive terms like fuel, fresh, natural food or body needs/function.

Nutritional Evaluation by Experts and Lay Participants

Mean perceptions between experts and lay participants were significantly different for 18 out of 20 snack foods studied, with yoghurt and toast having the largest disparity between their ratings by experts and lay participants; experts typically considered smaller portions more nutritious than larger ones.

Expert and lay definitions differed significantly when it came to snack foods with higher nutrient profile scores than lower ones, most noticeably for yoghurts which were perceived by experts and laypeople as being more nutritious than expected from their scores and “lollies”, which were perceived as being less so.

Studies revealed a nonlinear relationship between “nutritious” and portion size; with the greatest discrepancies seen for yoghurts and toast, among discretionary snack foods. When assessing “nutritiousness”, or whether something is nutrient dense, it is essential to factor in calories, sugars, fats, fibre and salt contents of any given food when making this determination. When selecting healthy snack options with high levels of dietary fibre and protein such as nuts seeds legumes it can also be advantageous.

The Benefits of Real Food

Real food

Real food is a movement advocating for eating whole, natural foods as close to their original state as possible. This form of eating provides a healthy and balanced approach to nutrition that may reduce risks like diabetes, heart disease or cancer.

Benefits of adopting such a diet are numerous, including increased energy, better mood and an overall sense of well-being. Furthermore, it may help prevent weight gain while improving digestion and decreasing levels of toxins within your body.

Start by switching up your diet by opting for whole food diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts seeds healthy fats and low-fat dairy products.

Buy local, organic foods whenever possible to ensure you don’t consume harmful toxins and chemicals from long-distance transportation. Also try and find products without antibiotics, hormones or pesticides in them.

Don’t forget to review the ingredient list on each package, too! Some processed food contains more than five ingredients and some cannot even be spoken out loud (like maltodextrin).

Make sure your pantry is well-stocked with fresh and dried fruits, seeds, nuts and homemade treats to give yourself easy options when feeling peckish.

Consume fresh and raw fruits and vegetables that were harvested the day prior, to maximize nutrient absorption and boost fiber consumption while combatting digestive conditions such as IBS or constipation.

Include plenty of vegetables at every meal and as snacks; this will keep you feeling satiated throughout the day and reduce cravings for processed snacks that could be unhealthy.

Vegetables can be enjoyed fresh or frozen, cooked or raw. Vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, which has been shown to lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels. Furthermore, vegetables contain vital vitamins and nutrients essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, including potassium, folate and magnesium.

Always eat some protein with each meal to increase your intake of calcium, potassium and iron as well as build muscle faster and reduce the risk of injury.

As much as possible, opt for organic produce and limit processed meat and dairy consumption in order to limit your exposure to chemicals and hormones in the supply chain.

Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water and limiting soda, sweetened juices and alcoholic beverages – this will keep your body properly hydrated, helping prevent headaches, fatigue and nausea caused by dehydration.

Deciding to incorporate more whole foods can be daunting and intimidating, yet the rewards can be remarkable. Not only will you feel healthier and energized after switching up your diet, but you may also lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer by doing so.

The Benefits of a Nutrient-Dense Diet


Nutritious foods contain vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins for maximum nutrition, with lower amounts of saturated fats and sodium than their nutrient-dense counterparts.

Nutritious foods typically provide essential fiber and antioxidants to fight free radicals, strengthen your immune system and aid detoxification. In addition, they’re rich in protein which is key for muscle repair and growth.

Diets rich in nutrient-dense foods can help keep you feeling full for longer, prevent deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals and support weight management.

Foods with high nutrient densities provide more nutrition per unit volume or calorie than any other food or beverage available for purchase.

Nutrient density refers to the ratio of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fatty acids contained in 100 calories consumed as measured by its density.

A 3-oz serving of meat contains between 160-200 calories and provides significant amounts of B vitamins, iron and zinc compared to similar snack food or soft drink items which offer similar amounts of calories but less nutrition (except carbohydrates and fats ).

Some may mistakenly equate nutrient density with “high-nutritional” foods like berries and spinach; however, one serving of fruit or spinach contains approximately the same number of essential vitamins as one cup of oatmeal (or even more!).

Dense foods include whole grains, full-fat dairy products, wild-caught seafood and grass-fed meats as well as pastured eggs, legumes and nuts.

Most nutrient-dense foods are unprocessed and free from artificial ingredients, chemicals or preservatives; additionally they tend to be low in salt and sugar content and have positive impacts on weight loss, heart disease, diabetes and cancer treatment.

There is an array of nutrient density tools available to assist in the evaluation of different foods’ nutritive value. These range from government guidelines developed for government agencies to consumer-facing tools promoted at grocery stores.

Diets that prioritize nutrition require not only selecting foods with abundant nutrition, but also including an abundance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and healthy oils – these provide essential sources of energy and help us feel full for longer.

Are you looking for some additional inspiration on how to incorporate more nutrient-dense meals into your daily life? Take a look at our recipe collection or explore by category and meal type; you may be amazed at just how effortless it is to add in extra nutritious options without losing out in terms of taste or enjoyment!

Some of the most widely consumed nutrient-rich foods include:

A 3-oz serving of chicken breast provides approximately 140 calories along with significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. A similar serving of fat-free milk provides around double the calcium as one cup of ice cream**.

Similar to eggs, 3-oz serving of an egg contains around 75 calories and offers significant vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, choline and B-vitamins. A cup of peanut butter provides about the equivalent amount of nutrients as 10 cups of spinach!

The Benefits of Eating Unprocessed Foods


Unprocessed is an integral concept in nutrition because it promotes eating foods which have not been modified in any way; doing this can help ensure a healthier diet and help avoid certain health issues such as weight gain.

Some define processed foods as any food that has been heated, soaked, fried, canned, baked or otherwise altered from its natural state. Though definitions can differ, generally two categories exist: minimally processed and fully processed products.

Minimally processed foods are defined as those which have undergone minimal processing, without altering their nutritional value significantly. Examples of minimally processed foods are fruits and vegetables, whole grains, milk, nuts, cheese and meats.

Full-processed foods refers to those which have undergone an intensive process of modification, including freezing, canning, baking and cooking – steps which degrade their nutritional values while increasing calories and fat intake. These types of products tend to contain large quantities of both calories and fat content.

Many processed foods are fortified with nutrients to address nutritional deficits in certain populations. Infant cereals, for instance, may be fortified with iron and B vitamins to combat anemia; whole milk can be supplemented with Vitamin D to ward off rickets; while wheat flour is fortified with folic acid to protect babies against birth defects.

Relying too heavily on highly processed food products increases your risk of diabetes and obesity, since they tend to contain higher energy density while providing less satiation than whole-food options – leaving you hungry sooner after eating them.

These foods contain more sugar, salt and fat than whole-foods and don’t provide as much dietary fiber to aid with digestion.

According to research, eating more whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes is linked with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, such diets contain lower amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol which reduce cardiovascular disease risks.

Studies assessing the relationship between red meat consumption and cancer incidence have yielded mixed results. Studies typically demonstrate an association between eating red meat and colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, ischemic heart disease (IHD), ischemic stroke and breast cancer incidence.

Recent research conducted with eight cohorts concluded that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer by 45% and 57% increased risk for IHD. These results suggest that eating red meat could have adverse effects on breast cancer risk even when minimally processed and without added sugars, salts or fats.

As such, it is highly advised that you consume minimally processed and unprocessed foods whenever possible in order to stay healthy while enjoying your food while maintaining a healthier weight. You can identify which items qualify as minimally processed by looking at labels on food containers and reading package backs – each food package should provide information on this.

How to Get Started on a Clean Eating Lifestyle

Clean eating

Clean eating is a diet philosophy centered on the belief that to achieve and sustain optimal health, eating foods in their natural state is best. This means prioritizing vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats while limiting saturated and trans fats as well as added sugars and chemicals found in processed food products.

While embracing this lifestyle may seem obvious, making changes can be more challenging if you have never been an eater of whole, nutritious foods. Therefore, start off gradually by making small modifications to your current diet and gradually adding in whole, nutritious foods.

Start clean eating by avoiding foods with long lists of unfamiliar ingredients that you cannot understand, such as artificial colors and flavors. Also read labels carefully so you can choose products which come as close as possible to their original form.

Limiting salt intake is another essential aspect of eating clean. This can be accomplished by selecting salty foods sparingly and adding variety into meals by seasoning with different varieties; generally speaking, most of your salt should come from natural sources, like sea water or fresh herbs and spices, rather than processed salt substitutes.

Fresh, organic produce is essential to any healthy eating diet. When selecting fresh, frozen or canned options, select those with minimal calories, sugar and sodium content.

Reducing added sugar intake by eating less candy, soda, ice cream and baked goods. Focus on replacing these treats with fruits and vegetables along with nutritious alternatives like yogurt (opt for plain), tomato sauce and cereal as snacks that contain less added sugar.

Consuming more plant-based food is one of the key elements of clean eating, as it reduces our dependency on animal products while mitigating environmental impacts associated with their production. Vegetables require less water and energy to produce than meat products and may help lower greenhouse gas emissions according to UNEP research.

Vegetarian diets have been found to save three times the water and 2.5 times more energy required to produce beef than do their non-vegan counterparts, thus having an enormously positive impact on our environment and helping stave off climate change.

Clean eating begins with choosing nutritious whole fruits and vegetables; they provide essential vitamins and minerals. Aim for five to nine servings daily depending on how active you are and your weight.

Many Americans consume too much sugar, increasing their risk of obesity and diabetes. Diabetics should limit themselves to no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar daily.

While it is essential to consume less processed food and excessive salt, sugar, and fats, eating a well-rounded diet with all of the vitamins and minerals your body requires is also key for overall good health and feeling great. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your daily meals may improve both.

Why Should You Eat A Whole Food Diet?

It seems that everyone wants to be healthy. It’s almost like we have been conditioned to believe that eating healthy and living a long life is something that only certain people can do. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you are willing to make a few changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can improve your health and live a longer life.

What Is A Whole Food Diet?

A whole food diet is one where you eat mostly natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. These foods provide the body with the nutrients needed for optimal health. They also provide a number of other benefits as well.

How Does Eating A Whole Food Diet Help You Live Longer?

Eating a whole food diet has been shown to increase the length of our lives. There are many different factors that play a role in this. The most important factor is that when we eat a lot of processed foods, we are eating foods that contain very little nutritional value. When we eat these types of foods, our bodies don’t get the nutrition they need. This leads to many health problems.

Another factor that plays a big role in increasing our life span is that whole foods are high in fiber. Fiber is very important because it helps cleanse the digestive tract. When we don’t eat enough fiber, we put our digestive system at risk. This can lead to serious problems such as constipation, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, and even gallstones.

Eating a whole foods diet will also help us lose weight. Most of the calories in whole foods come from the carbohydrates in them. The carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which then gets used by the body. This causes the body to release insulin. Insulin is a hormone that tells the body to store fat. By eating whole foods, we are not going to cause the body to store fat.

So what kinds of whole foods should we eat?

Fruits and vegetables are an excellent choice. We should try to eat about 5 servings of these every day. We should also try to eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Some of the best choices are carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, and green beans.

Grains are also a great choice. We should try to include whole grains in our diet. Whole grains are rich in fiber, which is important for digestion. They are also high in protein. One of the best grains to choose is brown rice.

Nuts and seeds are also an excellent choice. Nuts are high in protein and fiber. Seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids. They are also a good source of fiber. We should try to eat 1-2 tablespoons of nuts or seeds per day.

Dairy products are also an excellent choice. We should consume a minimum of 2-3 servings of dairy products each day. The best choices are low fat milk, cheese, and yogurt.

We should try to limit our intake of animal products such as meat and eggs. These foods are high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Saturated fats and cholesterol are known to cause heart disease.

You may be wondering why we would want to eat a whole food diet. Why not just eat regular foods?

Regular foods are processed foods. Processed foods are full of preservatives, artificial ingredients, and other chemicals. These things aren’t good for our health. We should avoid eating foods that are processed.

There are many other reasons why we should eat a whole food diet. These are just a few. I hope this article has helped you understand what a whole food diet is and why you should consider making some changes.

The Benefits of Lean Protein

Lean protein

Lean protein is an excellent macronutrient to include as part of a healthy lifestyle and weight management plan, promoting muscle repair, hormone regulation, enzymatic reactions and weight control by keeping blood sugar stable, curbing hunger and limiting unnecessary snacking.

Low-fat sources of protein include poultry, turkey and other white meats; seafood such as tilapia, cod, flounder and pollock; egg whites; and low-fat dairy products. These foods provide essential amino acids your body needs to build strong muscles, bones, cartilage, skin and blood vessels.

These high-protein options are delicious raw, roasted or grilled for an easy meal option that pairs well with salad and vegetables. Tofu also provides light protein sources as it’s abundant with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus zinc iron.

Studies published in 2005 demonstrated the value of eating lean protein to reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart problems, according to one. Participants who allocated 10% of their calories towards protein had lower cholesterol and blood pressure than those following a standard, heart-healthy diet.

Protein powder can also help your metabolism, increasing fat burning and improving energy levels. Furthermore, this source of omega-3 fatty acids reduces inflammation risks while supporting good health.

Plant-based proteins such as nuts, seeds and legumes make an excellent addition to any diet; they contain many essential vitamins and nutrients as well as fiber and phytochemicals which protect your heart from disease. Try including more plant-based proteins into your daily meal plan!

Protein foods contain proteins which digest slowly into fuel for your body, making you feel full for longer than carbs and fats can. They’re therefore an ideal way to curb overeating.

Quinoa, soy beans and hemp seeds are other protein-rich foods you should incorporate into your daily routine, providing essential fiber as well as B-vitamin, folic acid potassium and iron for an ample supply of B-vitamin vitamins as well as antioxidants that can help protect cells against damage.

These protein-rich foods provide not only essential amino acids (ALA) that reduce heart disease risk and inflammation, but also vitamin D and iron that many diets often lack.

Whole milk is an excellent source of protein and can be combined with various ingredients for various recipes, especially to create protein shakes and smoothies that can help reach lean-muscle building goals.

Powdered egg whites offer another great way to get the protein your diet needs without adding more calories. Use it in soups, salads and smoothies or mix it with water to create an easy powdered egg white shake breakfast option.

Lean protein can be an indispensable element of any nutritious diet, from athletes and those looking to shed extra weight alike. Lean proteins support essential body functions while strengthening your immunity system – and are an excellent choice for anyone avoiding gluten, soy and dairy due to the many digestive enzymes they contain which make absorption much simpler.

Whole Grains – A Healthy Food Choice

Whole grains are an excellent source of nutrition, including dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. As part of a healthy lifestyle diet plan, whole grains may help lower your risk of several chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Supermarkets stock an assortment of nutritious non-starchy grains such as corn, wheat, rice and oats that provide vital nutrition.

These grains are an excellent source of carbohydrates and proteins, while providing essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid as well as potassium, iron and magnesium. In addition, phytonutrients present may have health benefits such as decreasing cancer risks or supporting digestive wellbeing.

Assuring your diet contains sufficient whole grains is best done through daily consumption – two or more servings are typically recommended by most countries for optimal health, which may lower the risk of many chronic diseases.

General studies suggest that increasing consumption of whole grains is associated with decreased risks for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. However, some research studies indicate that its benefits may depend on dose – for instance higher intakes may lead to improved health outcomes.

Consumption of whole grains is rising worldwide as more consumers become aware of their health advantages and incorporate more whole grains into their daily diets. Europe, for instance, recommends adults consume at least 75 grams per day to lower risk factors associated with chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Though whole-grains’ beneficial effects have been well-documented, gaps remain in research on them. More clinical trials to better define their effects and observational studies that provide reliable data regarding their role in preventing or slowing disease progression are still necessary.

Danish researchers conducted a study showing that men who consumed more than 75 g of whole grains daily had a 22% lower risk of heart disease and 38% reduced risk of stroke compared with those who didn’t consume these whole-grain foods, due to their abundance of fiber which helps manage blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity, lower cholesterol levels and regulate their body.

Add whole grains such as oatmeal, brown rice, millet, quinoa and barley to meals to increase nutritional value and add texture and flavor. These additions can also serve to increase texture in soups, breads and pasta dishes!

If you’re searching for recipes, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website can be an excellent starting point. Here you will find plenty of reliable nutrition recommendations as well as links to their network of credentialed food and nutrition professionals.

Whole grains are an affordable and nutritional addition to your diet, adding healthful fiber, proteins and complex carbohydrates at once or in small doses for varied dishes such as cereals, breads or other baked goods.

Improved Digestion – How to Improve Your Digestive Health

Improved digestion

Improved digestion ensures you receive all of the essential nutrients your body requires while eliminating waste efficiently. Our digestive systems are complex organs with enormous impact on how we feel, function, and remain healthy.

Your digestive tract consists of three stages that work to break down food and absorb essential nutrients into your bloodstream, and understanding how these processes function is key to understanding any symptoms and improving digestive health.

As soon as you swallow, the first phase of digestion begins in the esophagus. Contractions within its muscles help move food to your stomach for chemical digestion; and finally stomach muscles churn and contract to mix food with gastric juices which further break it down.

Peristalsis, or the process of the stomach contracting against its own walls to move food through, is vital for proper digestion. Once in your stomach, food must then undergo further digestion which takes place in your small intestine.

Once in the small intestine, food is broken down further and assimilated by enzymes produced by your liver and pancreas, until eventually traveling through to your bloodstream and being taken up into your cells for absorption.

Not only is proper digestion essential to achieving health, it can also be essential in controlling weight and reaching an effective weight-loss goal. Therefore, selecting foods with high nutrient density but low calories as well as being fat free or sugar free can make an enormous difference when trying to achieve weight loss.

Staying away from highly processed foods, drinking plenty of water and altering your carbohydrate consumption are all effective steps towards improving digestive health.

Eat whole, plant-based carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains that have been minimally processed and are packed full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Select your protein with care as some types, like fatty fish and meat, can lead to stomach distress and other digestive problems; make sure that you are getting sufficient amounts.

Consuming sufficient protein can help strengthen your immune system, protect against cancer and boost metabolism, as well as enhance mood, reduce stress levels and stabilize blood sugar.

Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day to flush away waste, which will aid digestion and reduce constipation.

Adams asserts that exercise and managing stress levels regularly are two effective strategies to lower the chances of digestive disorders.

Avoid Bad Habits: Be it smoking, excessive caffeine consumption or alcohol use, these habits can interfere with your digestive system and lead to serious problems like heartburn and gastric ulcers.

Regular meal and snack eating habits will help ensure even digestion of your food, helping prevent issues like bloating, gas, or diarrhea from appearing suddenly.

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